Reel Talk: A Movie Podcast

The Interview Series: Gino Alfonso - Compatible (2020)

July 23, 2020

The Reel Talk Crew continues it's Interview Series with Writer, Director, & Producer. . .Gino Alfonso.

  • Please note, the interview was recorded as an iPhone conversation so the audio quality is not to the standard you're used to from Reel Talk.

We were very excited to speak with Gino as he was able to offer insights from in front of the camera, behind the camera, as a producer, casting director, and several other roles he's been involved with. 

His 1st Feature Length Film, Compatible will have it's premiere later this year and will be available worldwide in early 2021.

Indiegogo Campaign for Compatible:

To support Gino's work or become an investor in future projects, contact him at

Follow Gino on Twitter: @gino_ga 

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